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It’s time to tidy up the garden…

… because the new gardening year is just around the corner. The garden is also slowly drying out, so I can get to the beds again without slipping too much. The coming days will be spent removing the ‘old’ from last year. Hopefully the insects and other small creatures won’t need as many hiding places. I have to start cleaning the beds and pruning back what needs to be pruned back. Below is an overview before the work begins.

Today, the chillies went into the pre-breeding tray. Nine varieties and six pots each. Friends and neighbours have already said they’ll take some, because we regularly have too many. My husband takes care of the chillies and tomatoes, while I take care of the rest.

Since I am often asked which plates I use: I used to have small plates, including plastic ones, but they broke after a short time. I have had the plate in the picture above for several years now, and it is lasting. So it is of good quality. I have ordered two more such plates and linked them below. There are a number of garden shops that sell them, but you can see reviews at this link.

I’m not quite sure yet where and how I’ll start outside. There will be updates here 🙂

Quickpot tray for 54 plants
Quickpot tray for 54 plants with lid

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Es wird Zeit, den Garten aufzuräumen …

… denn das neue Gartenjahr steht vor der Tür. Der Garten trocknet auch langsam, sodass ich wieder ohne groß auszurutschen an die Beete komme. Die kommenden Tage wird erstmal das “Alte” vom letzten Jahr entfernt. Die Insekten und anderes Kleingetier brauchen hoffentlich nicht mehr so viele Verstecke. Ich muss jetzt anfangen, die Beete sauberzumachen und zurückzuschneiden, was zurückgeschnitten werden muss. Unten der Überblick vor Beginn der Arbeiten.

Heute sind die Chilis in die Vorzuchtplatte gekommen. Neun Sorten und jeweils 6 Töpfchen. Freunde und Nachbarn haben sich schon angemeldet, weil wir regelmäßig zu viele haben. Mein Mann kümmert sich um Chilis und Tomaten, während ich mich um den Rest bemühe.

Da immer wieder einmal gefragt wird, welche Platten ich verwende: Früher hatte ich kleine Platten, auch aus Kunststoff, die aber nach kurzer Zeit kaputtgingen. Die Platte auf dem Bild oben habe ich nun schon seit mehreren Jahren und sie hält durch und wird im Winter draußen gelagert. Ist also von guter Qualität. Ich habe noch zwei solche Platten bestellt und verlinke sie nachstehend. Es gibt eine Reihe an Gartenshops, die sie verkaufen, nur unter diesem Link sieht man auch Bewertungen.

So ganz weiß ich noch nicht, wo und wie ich draußen anfange. Es wird hier Aktualisierungen geben 🙂

Quickpot Platte für 54 Pflanzen
Quickpot Platte für 54 Pflanzen mit Haube

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Time to move on

There are moments in life when you realise it’s over. A free project that is very dear to me is going to change shape, and that means it is time to leave it behind and move on. Am I sad? Well, not for the project, there are many new ones to come that need help. I am sad for the people, the sincere ones who have become dear to me. Those who always loved the time we spent together, talking, having a cup of coffee and so much more.

There are people in this world who always like to use your work and put themselves forward to show how great they are. One thing I know for sure: the universe will take care of it. In the end, they are the ones who are alone and live a lonely life. Should I feel sorry for such a person? To have things and to be in the light … well, if a person needs it, he or she can have it.

A heartfelt project cannot be replaced by a selfish one. A selfish person cannot replace a loving group of people. Such a person will destroy what has been built with love.

As the title says, it’s time to move on, to build new projects and not to look back. Let the past be the past, the present be the present, and the future be the future.

Thank you Universe for guiding my path to date and into the future. I would choose the same path again.

Original image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay