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Sock Pattern #1

Usually, when knitting Socks, I keep things simple, because then I can, for example, listen to a podcast. In this case I had some single-coloured wool and knitting just along would have looked a bit too boring. Hence I wrote down my pattern (I am linking a short on how I do this). I am mostly too lazy to look around the net, since it really takes a lot of time only to end up using a very simple one or making my own. But yes, over time, I will also publish some more difficult ones. It’s just me loving simple stuff.

Sock knitting basics:

Knitting basics:

How to create your own pattern:

Materials used:
Wool: 6-ply yarn for example: or
Needles (I love wooden needles): or

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How to knit gloves (1)

What you need

  • Needles for knitting in the round: a set of 5 needles, 4 to 4,5 mm
  • Needles to take up stitches: a set of 4 needles, 2 to 2,5 mm
  • Yarn for knitting with 4 to 4,5 mm needles
  • Sewing needle
  • Scissors

If there is an instruction that is not clear, please let me know and I will improve the description. When you do knit all the time often there are obvious steps for the experienced knitter that are not obvious at all. The YouTube video is embedded below.

Right hand glove

  • Cast on 40 stitches (10 per needle, 20 on two needles)
  • Distribute the stitches: 12 stitches on needle 1 and 3, 18 Stitches on needle 2 and 4
  • knit 2, purl 2 in the round until you have completed 34 rounds
  • Distribute the stitches: 10 stitches on each needle
  • Knit 17 rounds (the amount of rounds here actually depends on how you like your gloves)
  • At this point we start with the increases of the thumb
  • Round 1: first needle: knit 1, knit 1 + increase, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 2: first needle: knit 1, knit 1 + increase, knit 2, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 3: first needle: knit 1, knit 1 + increase, knit 4, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 4: first needle: knit 1, knit 1 + increase, knit 6, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 5: knit this round without increases
  • Round 6: first needle: knit 1, knit 1 + increase, knit 8, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 7: knit this round without increases
  • Round 8: first needle: knit 1, knit 1 + increase, knit 10, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 9: first needle: knit 2, distribute the 13 stitches on two safety pins, increase 1, finish knitting the round
  • Go ahead knitting in the round until you have finished 40 rows starting from the rib
  • Distribute the stitches: 12 stitches on needle 1 and 3, 18 Stitches on needle 2 and 4
  • Knit 2, purl 2 for 5 rounds
  • Bind off
  • Knitting the thumb:
  • Pass the stitches from the 2 safety pins on the 2 thin needles and take up 5 stitches with a third thin needle
  • Knit one round distributing the 18 stitches evenly
  • Knit 6 rounds “knit 1, purl1”
  • Bind off
  • Weave in the ends

Left hand glove

  • Cast on 40 stitches (10 per needle, 20 on two needles)
  • Distribute the stitches: 12 stitches on needle 1 and 3, 18 Stitches on needle 2 and 4
  • knit 2, purl 2 in the round until you have completed 34 rounds
  • Distribute the stitches: 10 stitches on each needle
  • Knit 17 rounds (the amount of rounds here actually depends on how you like your gloves)
  • At this point we start with the increases of the thumb
  • Round 1: knit first needle, second needle: knit 6 stitches, knit 1 + increase, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 2: knit first needle, second needle: knit 6 stitches, knit 1 + increase, knit 2, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 3: knit first needle, second needle: knit 6 stitches, knit 1 + increase, knit 4, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 4: knit first needle, second needle: knit 6 stitches, knit 1 + increase, knit 6, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 5: knit this round without increases
  • Round 6: knit first needle, second needle: knit 6 stitches, knit 1 + increase, knit 8, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 7: knit this round without increases
  • Round 8: knit first needle, second needle:knit 6 stitches, knit 1 + increase, knit 10, knit 1 + increase, finish knitting the round
  • Round 9: knit first needle, second needle:knit 7 stitches, distribute the 13 stitches on two safety pins, increase 1, finish knitting the round
  • Go ahead knitting in the round until you have finished 40 rows starting from the rib
  • Distribute the stitches: 12 stitches on needle 1 and 3, 18 Stitches on needle 2 and 4
  • Knit 2, purl 2 for 5 rounds
  • Bind off
  • Knitting the thumb:
  • Pass the stitches from the 2 safety pins on the 2 thin needles and take up 5 stitches with a third thin needle
  • Knit one round distributing the 18 stitches evenly
  • Knit 6 rounds “knit 1, purl1”
  • Bind off
  • Weave in the ends